If you’ve got an end-of-year bonus or some extra cash right now, you may be doing one particular thing: investing in gifts or holiday purchases. But there’s another area begging for your attention and promising rewards over the long term, and that’s the stock market.
Many stocks are trading at record lows these days. The bear market and general economic situation have weighed on their performance.
Solid companies won’t stay at these levels forever. That means right now is the perfect time for you to get in on these promising long-term stories. So, if you have $1,000 to spare — or even less — here’s where to invest it before the end of 2022.
Why invest now?
Of course, you may be thinking, “Why should I invest now when the market has done so poorly?” As I’ve written before, bear markets are one of the best times to invest. That’s because you have the opportunity to buy top players…